Cleaner Copy Leads to Higher Closing Rates
If you have bad copy integrated into your website design and website development then you are going to waste a lot of time in discovery calls that will never amount to anything. As a website design agency and as a website development agency, we see this happen a lot. It’s one of the main reasons our clients come to us to improve their website design and website development.
Unclear copy causes you to spend a ton of time trying to onboard the wrong prospects. These are the prospects that were never going to buy from you anyway, but you led them on with too general copy, website design, and website development.
Clean and clear copy is specific. It should complement your website design and website development by telling your reader exactly what you do, why you do it, and the results your clients get from working with you. Don’t be afraid to be specific and don’t be afraid to be different. It’s the lack of original and specific copy, website design, and website development that causes you to waste time in pointless discovery calls.
Your copy, website design, and website development should scare away the wrong prospects and draw in the right ones. Being specific is how you accomplish this.
Need help with your copy? Do you want to optimize your website design and website development for SEO? Let’s chat.